Sunday, 2 April 2023


Beauty is an elusive concept that is difficult to define. Each person perceives it differently, making it a subjective experience. Beauty is commonly associated with harmony, balance, and rhythm, captivating the senses and raising the mind. However, the way an object is dealt with is what makes it inspirational, not the object itself. Although people perceive beauty in different ways, spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg suggests that what makes a human face beautiful is not the face itself but the affection shining from it. Beauty can also be found in suffering, where it is viewed as a profound feeling that arouses emotions and motivates people to act.

The concept of beauty has been a central theme in the arts for centuries. In the past, the aim of art was to create something beautiful, as beauty was valued as much as truth and goodness. However, in the 20th century, the focus shifted to originality and intellectual ideas rather than beauty. Today, many artists aim to disturb, shock, and break moral taboos, believing that those who look for beauty in art are out of touch with modern realities.

The loss of beauty may also signify a deeper perception of what is good and innocent in life. According to philosopher Roger Scruton, the beautiful work of art brings consolation in sorrow and affirmation in joy, making human life worthwhile. Beauty can also remind people of a transcendent reality, an eternal entity that exists regardless of changing social conceptions and circumstances. In essence, beauty is a subjective and objective experience that stirs the emotions and captivates the senses, reminding people of the innocence of absolute love.